Friday, January 20, 2012


Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya....Oh wait, no it's not. too bad, I always thought that the life of a swordsman would be adventurous and exciting!

Hello World Of The Internet!
My name is Rebecca, you can call me Becca. I am simply a nerd, and nothing more, nothing less. I live life as I do, and love to learn. As everyone who knows me knows, I am odd and think in strange ways. And now that I have been introduced into the world of blogging, all human beings with internet access can witness the strnage behavior, thoughts and projects that are mine.

So basic info! I am a music education major, my favorite passtime is dreaming, I love reading, school, rainbows, knowledge, stories and music. Gosh I love music. I also love teaching, so ta da! Music Ed. Major!

So, to start off this Blog Business, I will give everyone the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything....42. Yeah that's right, 42. Big Borther may say that 2+2=5, but the real answer is 42!

Ok well, I shall post again soon with random thoughts, stories and activities. Until then, farewell!


  1. If you had to trade places with another person from the 2012 Resolutions page, who would it be and why?

    What do you love most about yourself?

  2. Is there anyone you've known or met that you've just really truly hated?

  3. yay another blogger ^^ I look forward to reading more

    1. Aww thank you Wren! I can't wait to read more of yours too!
