Sunday, January 29, 2012

Fall Down, Pick Yourself Up.

Hey guys!

Sorry I disappeared there for awhile. Things have been crazy busy!
I have been very ill. I got a cold that turned into a severe illness, what a battle! It got so bad that I've literally been depressed the entire time I have been ill. I completely lost my voice so I couldn't sing in choir or talk at all. I had infected tonsils and a horrible cough (won't go into details), so I couldn't play any instruments. My fever had sky rocketed, thinking and concentrating were out of the question. My body was weak, and I couldn't walk very well or do anything. I was the definition of useless. I also got some sort of stomach flue, yikes.  It was a very hard week to go through. Today I feel better, so it's been study for quiz at 9am tomorrow and do all of the homework I fell behind on that's due tomorrow and stress out day. I feel sick again already.
Being this sick really got me thinking horribly about myself again. Being ill makes me loose faith in my abilities and in myself overall. I had a huge panic attack today while trying to do all of my homework, there just wasn't enough time in my mind. I think I was actually hating myself; I haven't done that in awhile. I still don't like myself as much as I should, but not like I did today. I hurt my own feelings, which was weird and painful. I really wanted to quit right there. Drop my major, go to the Junior College and get a B.A in something, some two year degree. Maybe just become a housewife! Go find a nice guy with financial stability and be like "Hey need a wife?" Hahahaha I was really rambling to myself at that point. But I literally lost the ability to go on with my work for an hour, I felt so useless. And then, somehow I got over it. It was the weirdest sensation! Two seconds prior I was literally on the verge of tears, and then I went back to my laptop and finished two of my assignments. How the brain works....I'll never understand. I still feel rotten, physically, mentally and emotionally,  but will get better. I can feel it. Broken pieces can fit back together, it just takes time to heal.

So, what have I been up too besides being ill? So. Much. Work. I'm learning clarinet! Hard to keep a solid tone on it, but it's pretty cool! Hmm, I volunteered for a Jazz Festival thing for the CMEA as a stage manager. That was pretty cool, even though I was still really sick. But the festival was fun because of the amazing people working with me. Love you guys! <3

School has been busy, I've had this many units before but for some reason the spring semesters are always harder! Yikes!
This week Chamber Wind Ensemble rehearsals start! That will be fun! And Astronomy is very interesting, I like it!  And the rest of the classes are pretty good too, the same as before but very different at the same time!

Sorry for the weird, and depressing update. I should go continue to study and do homework. I hope everyone has a great week! And hopefully  I will see you guys soon (to my followers who I know in person, haha).

Bye bye.

Monday, January 23, 2012

What Happened Today Again?/What Power would you have?

Hey everybody,

So I'm pretty sick again, yuck. For those who may be reading this and do not know me, I get sick all of the time. Today I was brutually attack by a fever, pounding heacache, dizzy spells, constant temperature changes and a horrible cough. M'yes m'yes...It's that time of year.

So today's blog will be pretty short, sorry. Today's events...uhhh....honestly  I can't remember too much. OH THUNDER! Haha there was ALOT of thunder and lightning at my house last night. So awesome! :)

Ok, today's events...hmmm... I hung out with a great friend of mine after most of my classes were done. (The Wonderful Claire who gave me grahm crackers and advil, thank you dearly.) We talked and hung out at her place.
Hm, well today was my first class of Music in the Classroom. It's basically training us to be music teachers to younger children. I think it's going to be a great class! Very entertaining!

Hmmm, what else happened? Just reading some astronomy now, gosh I love it! <3
Aaaaaand...yeah I got nothing. Too sick to think, sorry to dissapoint.

So to conclude, I'll ask you guys a question. What 3 random powers would you want if you could have them? Not including Magic though, just a power that can do one thing.
For me, the three I would choose are Flying, Teleportation, and Element Bending/Nature connection. I've always had a dream of being able to fly; it's why I want to sky dive so badly. Teleportation would save soo much time and money, hahaha :) And I love nature, and would love to be able to interact with it. Maybe even talk to animals too. It's hard to choose one part of nature to have a power based off of.

Anywho, can't wait to hear what you guys say! Good night! And wash your hands, eat healthy and stay warm! There's a horrible bug going around!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Random Youtube Videos and Music

Greetings Random Humans,

Today was a good day! I got to spend time with some great friends, watch football (GO 49ers!) and watch random youtube videos. So for today's blog, I will be sharing random youtube videos! Why? Just cause. :)

A kitten falls asleep inside of a teacup! Yes, I am one of those girls who squeals over adorable animals, haha!
Too Cute Right?!!?

Next video is about a boy named Elliot who just knows that he is getting married to his friend Bowie. He also dicusses the important factors to consider when being married with his mother.
Yes, outer beauty is all that truly matters, not laughter nor hugs. (Thank you Brendada for showing me this! Love it!)

Now I know what you must be thinking; Why post a video of NYAN CAT?!?! This is the nyan cat themem slowed down by 800%. Yes it may be slowed down alot, but I found it to be very serene, peaceful and beauty. It paints a picture in your mind. When I close my eyes, I imagine myself floating through space, passing stars, the planets. And then the scene changes to flying in the night time sky over nature, forests, deserts, jungles, etc. What do you think of when you hear it?

So beautiful and nerdtatsic, haha! <3

So next video is...wait for it...Eric Whitacre's The Seal Lullaby. We are playing this in the instrumental ensemble I'm in, and I love it so much! There is so much beauty and melodic passes that are gorgeous!
Ah, music <3

What happens if you accidently propose to your girlfriend? Comedy says this...

Ok, it's a cheesey movie, but I love DragonHeart. It's a classic, haha. And the music is amazing! (Most of the theme song is in the finale, but I though I would post them both :) )
The Theme Song
The Finale

Well, I guess that's enough for now. Thank you to everyone I hung out with today, it was alot of fun being with you guys! Now to go get ready for another week of school!
G'night everyone!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Overture to Today!

Hello Random People!

What did I do today?
Today, I went to go see the Santa Rosa Symphony rehearse! They were amazing, as usual! And now I know people in the symphony, which made the experience of seeing them more exciting!
The pieces we heard today were Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Concerto No. 25 in C major for piano and orchestra, k. 503, Sergei Rachmaninoff's Symphony No. 3 in A minor, Opus 44, and a surprise piece! It was the Overture to Die Fledermaus! :) It was a great show; I'm amazed at how well those kinds of groups perform in rehearsals, especially when the is a full theatre of people watching them! Incredible! I am also very happy that I got to spend the concert with some of my family members, including my younger cousin who is a musical genius. I loved how excited he was during the entire rehearsal! :)

What am I thinking about?
Why am I structuring my blog with a question and paragraph answer? I'm so weird. My dad walked in, I told him to read my blog, haha. Hi dad! I really feel like talking about music! So here we go!
This piece is called "The Funeral", a oringinal composition by Greg Edmonson. It's from the show Firefly, which I the nerd love dearly. I am obssesed with this piece for many reasons, one of them being how much it truly effects my emotionally.
In this episode, this piece is played a few times in the episode, including a scene where a character passes away and the characters take his body back to his home. The character who dies, Tracey recorded a message for the chrarcters to hear (with the song in the background):
Uh, okay. Uh, recording. Hi, I guess. This is a message for Zoƫ, and for Malcolm Reynolds. And I really hope you all are the ones listening to it. I'll spare you the boring details. I've fallen in with untrustworthy folk. Makin' a bunch of bad calls. All that matters is I expect to be shuffled off. And you two are the only people I trust to get me where I'm going, which is home. I'd like my body to be with my folks on St. Albans. We got the family plot there, and my Mom and Dad, well, they deserve to know I died. You know, it's funny. We went to the war never lookin' to come back, but it's the real world I couldn't survive. You two carried me through that war. Now I need you to carry me just a little bit further, if you can. Tell my folks I wanted to do right by them and that I'm at peace, and all. When you can't run anymore, you crawl, and when you can't do that, well-- Yeah, you know the rest. Thanks, both of you. Oh, yeah, and make sure my eyes is closed, will ya?
There is ALOT more plot in this episode, but just like Tracey, I wil spare you the details. Why does this piece always slip across my mind? Well, in the words of a random youtuber - These notes just touch your very soul every time your listening to them. I full heartedly agree; this music truly displays emotion with each note. The message of the piece also gets to me; I mean everytime I listen to it I start to cry, Maybe this piece connects me to death, or a grieving emotion that I have felt before in the past. Maybe the piece is just so simple and breath taking that I can;t stand. All I can say is Bravo Greg Edmonson, bravo.

When you can't run anymore, you crawl... and when you can't do that --You find someone to carry you...

As a closer, I asked some of my friend from a 2012 Resolutions page to ask me random questions. Why? Because a dear friend of my, Rachelle :), did this for her blog and I wanted to copy her. So here are the questions and answers!

If you had to trade places with another person from the 2012 Resolutions page, who would it be and why?~ That is a very good question. I feel like everyone lives such different and yet similiar lives that I would learn so much from each person! Hmmm, who would I switch with? I had to check the list to remember everyone who is in the group! Haha! I think I would switch with two people, depending on the circumstances. If it was temporary, I would choose Raina. I love how brave she was to leave home to go to school farther away, and how different her school life is from mine. However, I don't know if I could be that far away from the people I spend my life with here for too long. She's truly incredible for doing that! :)
If ithe change was a chance to try something new, I would say Brendada! I love how intelligent she is, and how amazing she is at debate. I would love to experience her life and the feild of debating. Sure, I got A's on debating assignments in high school, but I have a feeling that real debate is much different. I also just adore Brendada and would love the chance to be here! XD You're awesome Brendada!

What do you love most about yourself?
This is very hard to answer, and I will tell you why. Because my view of myself changes constantly. I guess it really depends on the day, or events of the week. Right now, I love how my mind works. Yes it's a very strange brain, but I love how I can soak up knowledge, and really think outside of the box. I also love my imagination; everyday I come up with a new story by daydreaming or just spacing out, I'm just never near paper when I think of one! Finally, I love being a musician :)

Is there anyone you've known or met that you've just really truly hated?
Honestly, I don't think so. I have met people who have made me feel uncomfortable, sad or even angry, but to "hate", such a strong word. Unfortunately, I have met people who weren't who I thought they were, or betrayed other's trust; yet I can't think of anyone I know who I can truthfully say that I have hated. No, I'm most certain I haven't met anyone who I have hated. Also, every person deserves to be loved, and the thought of hating scares me.
QUESTIONS ANSWERED! The challenge was accepted and defeated. So now I'll ask YOU a question!
Is there a song, piece or anything with music that moves you emotionally? If so, please comment below! I'd love to hear/see them!
Good night Universe!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya....Oh wait, no it's not. too bad, I always thought that the life of a swordsman would be adventurous and exciting!

Hello World Of The Internet!
My name is Rebecca, you can call me Becca. I am simply a nerd, and nothing more, nothing less. I live life as I do, and love to learn. As everyone who knows me knows, I am odd and think in strange ways. And now that I have been introduced into the world of blogging, all human beings with internet access can witness the strnage behavior, thoughts and projects that are mine.

So basic info! I am a music education major, my favorite passtime is dreaming, I love reading, school, rainbows, knowledge, stories and music. Gosh I love music. I also love teaching, so ta da! Music Ed. Major!

So, to start off this Blog Business, I will give everyone the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything....42. Yeah that's right, 42. Big Borther may say that 2+2=5, but the real answer is 42!

Ok well, I shall post again soon with random thoughts, stories and activities. Until then, farewell!