Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer updates and Orca Whale Nightmares

Oh yeah, I have a blog. Writing time! XD
So updates on life...

  •  I took 20 units this semester, and received all A's except for one B+. SO CLOSE. Haha but it's ok! It's great very happy that I passed everyone! 
  • I am currently relearning the Tuba, and oh my gosh I nearly forgot EVERYTHING on it! 0.0
  • Loving the flute, practicing almost every day. My dog however runs out of the room when I start to assemble the instrument, hahaha!
  • Animal sitting! There are currently 7 animals in my house, 3 in which I am watching.
  • Having weird nightmares lately. I'll talk about that more later in the blog.
  • FINALLY got new headphones...ok boring update, but I'm so happy I get to dance around with my ipod again. XD
  • Feeling sick again, mostly stomach and head.
  • Summer class coming up - 5 week course on history
  • Hetalia - one of my new favorite shows
  • Currently looking for a KITTEN. Too excited!
So lately I've had some weeeird dreams. Each one ends as a nightmare, but I don't know if I'm actually afraid or not when I wake up. Out of the past 9 nights, I've had 5 nights with a weird nightmare. Each of these dreams have one thing in common...Orca Whales. ORCA WHALES! Completely random, right? Wait until you hear the dreams! I won't bore you with details of the dreams yet. (You probably will hear them if you know me in person) Each dream doesn't have the same story or people. Usually each one ended/ends with me falling into the ocean with angry orca whales.  I have never had a fear of them before. I have always had a love and passion for the Ocean and sea-life. Some people don't know this, but for a while I wanted to be a marine biologist! Orca whales were/are one of my favorite sea creatures, along with Dolphins and Hammerhead sharks. So why Orca Whales? Why the "killer whale"? 

Every time I wake up from the dreams, I feel anxious like something is going to change, and that the change is coming too soon. I also am starting to think about Orca Whales more often. What is bothering me? I've always had anxiety problems, but what is it this time? I looked up pictures and videos of Orca Whales, so I know I'm not freaked out by them. Perhaps they symbolize the future and my fear of it? Two of my dreams took place on my 21st birthday, and in both of the dreams I somehow fell into the ocean with angry whales after me. I am a little afraid of aging.
I've always had weird dreams though. Maybe it's just my head being insane haha. Just thought this was interesting. Why the Orca Whale?

I met one in real life once! When I was really young at Marine World, I was chosen to pet one. I kissed it on the side of it's face, and it licked my cheek. It felt like slimmy rubber, haha! But it's one of my favorite childhood memories. I even have a picture of it! :)

Well, I guess that's it for now. If I keep having dreams, maybe I'll post the log I'm keeping about them. Hope everyone is having a great summer!

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